Layla Guesthouse Mayan Experience Cenote Tour

Layla Guesthouse Mayan Experience Cenote Tour Claimed

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Visit jaw-dropping natural beauty, learn about the region’s cultural history, and support the inner-peninsula Maya community that is in deep distress without tourism… Small groups or just your group, enjoy a day trip filled with: a wood workers compound; a Maya Community Center, a guided jungle tour, a dry cave exploration a la “Indiana Jones”, the sensational million-year old cenote swim, and lunch at the home of a charming Maya family….see the region from the insIde !!!

$2,000 MXN OR $100 USD per person, includes transportation, guide, entrances, and lunch ! YOUR NEXT DATES : MONDAY MARCH 22, 2021 …and usually every Thursday, and any other day with a group of three or more – call +52 9981049831. Any other day is possible with a group of 3 or more….